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Signs You Have An Armpit Fetish
Armpit fetishism is a situation where individuals use armpits for sexual gratification.


kinkdatingapp 01.11.21 16:19
<a href="https://blog.foxtai person-who-has-armpit-fetish/& quot; target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="StyledLink-xjskmb- 0 ebJubB">armpit fetish</a> is a situation where individuals use armpits for sexual gratification. Some prefer lightly fragrant ones, while others prefer intense, smelly ones. Axillism is the use of the armpit as a fantasy tool for sex. This practice can stimulate the penis and vagina. Some people with armpit fetishism find that sex is more fun when armpits are part of foreplay. In short, armpits are more enticing for those who have axillism than the concept of having sex.

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